Avistamiento de delfines y ballenas (2h aprox)
In this 2-hour excursion, we will sail through the Bay of Algeciras and its surroundings.
The little ones and not so little ones will have the option of seeing in front the jumps and acrobatics of the 3 types of dolphins that we can observe in this area (common, striped and bottlenose dolphins), accompanied at all times by a biologist guide who will be delighted. to explain the peculiarities of these funny animals and answer any questions about them.
We will also have the chance to see the fin whale (second largest whale in the world), on its migratory path.
We guarantee a 99% success rate in sightings of at least one species.
- Adult price: €65
- Children price (up to 14 years old): €39
Avistamiento de delfines y ballenas (5h aprox)
The Strait of Gibraltar is a unique place for dolphin and whale watching. In it we can find up to 7 species of cetaceans. Four of them are resident species (common dolphin, striped dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, and pilot whale), and therefore it is very likely that we will meet some of them during the journey.
And in addition, it is a passageway for the fin whale (second largest animal in the world after the blue whale), and a feeding area for killer whales and sperm whales.
In this 5-hour outing, we will go out to the open sea in search of these large mammals accompanied by a biologist guide who will inform us of the curiosities of these species.
Is there anything more exciting than seeing these wild animals in their environment and in total freedom?
We guarantee a 99% success rate in sightings of at least one species.
- Adult price: €150
- Children price (up to 14 years old): €98
Connect with nature
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